We see this action a lot in the Triangle. This back screen into corner ball screen was utilized a lot by Stanford Women’s Basketball. I do like this action, yet sometimes, depending on personnel, I am skeptical of setting a corner ball screen. It is very susceptible to a trap.

Once again, we start off with that two man front. In Frame 1, we create our first triangle with a pass and cut to ball side corner.

Frame 2: 3 looks directly into post for an entry, nothing there and ball is passed into corner. Post releases from block to set a back screen for 3. The 3 Man sets up the cut and cuts ball side (or weak side) to the basket and clears out.

In Frame 3, the 5 Man goes from back screen into ball screen for the Point Guard. The PG looks to attack with spot ups on the weak side with the 5 Man rolling. If x1 overplays the ball screen, 1 can attack baseline. 3 Man drift to corner.

A good way to avoid the corner pick & roll is for the PG to pass to the 5 Man and follow with a DHO. This allows for better spacing and for the PG to get out of the corner, still achieving the same result. Still a possibility to trap a DHO but the potential for a trap will be less likely because it will be harder given the spacing on the court.

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